
Reading the New Testament as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey (Reading Christian Scripture) is unavailable, but you can change that!

This survey textbook by two respected New Testament scholars is designed to meet the needs of contemporary evangelical undergraduates. The book effectively covers the New Testament books and major topics in the New Testament, assuming no prior academic study of the Bible. The authors pay attention to how the New Testament documents fit together as a canonical whole that supplements the Old...

guilt of Jews (2:1–29) and concludes that Jews and gentiles alike are all under sin (3:9). He supports the point with the series of quotations from Psalms and Isaiah (3:10–18) that together declare, “There is no one who does what is good, not even one” (3:12). The law further underscores Paul’s point, since it renders the whole world subject to God’s judgment (3:19). No one will be justified through the law, since the law simply further reveals human sin (3:20). READ ROMANS
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